GME Open Door

Submit Your Concerns
The Open Door Form is appropriate to use for any resident concerns. Examples of submissions include concerns regarding unprofessional conduct or treatment exhibited by a colleague, student, attending physician, consultant physician, nursing staff, etc., concerns regarding the Program Director or simply any concern that you wish to submit anonymously.
If you would like someone from the GME office to contact you about your concern, please leave your name and email information. Anonymous requests are also allowed.
In addition, Trinity Health Muskegon employed residents can utilize the Integrity Line at 1-866-477-4661 or the VOICE reporting system. Michigan State University-COM has its own system for medical students to report these types of concerns; however, medical students may certainly submit concerns through the Open Door Form. All submissions are reviewed by the Trinity Health Muskegon GME Manager of Accreditation for further investigation or resolution strategies.
You will receive a confirmatory e-mail after placing a submission.