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Orthopedic Rehabilitation


Orthopedic rehabilitation (rehab) at Trinity Health Michigan optimizes your abilities after a life-changing injury or major surgery. People with medical conditions and other circumstances that complicate recovery can also benefit from orthopedic rehab. We offer inpatient and outpatient services and a compassionate team dedicated to your well-being.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation at Trinity Health Michigan: Why Choose Us?

Trinity Health Michigan delivers exceptional orthopedic care that helps most patients return home after treatment. Orthopedic rehab is for patients for whom it is not yet safe to go home or who need assistance maximizing independence. You receive personalized care to ease pain and regain the highest level of function.

Orthopedic rehab may involve a combination of:

We use a team approach to deliver seamless care that meets your unique needs. Therapists, physical medicine doctors, nurses and other team members meet regularly to develop a rehabilitation plan. We review your progress toward recovery goals and adjust as necessary.

About Orthopedic Rehab

Orthopedic rehab is for people who need help recovering from surgery or a life-changing injury.

You may have experienced:

  • Amputation, surgically removing part of a limb due to advanced disease or injury
  • Hip fracture
  • Multiple fractures or a severe (compound) fracture that breaks the skin’s surface
  • Joint replacement surgery
  • Orthopedic trauma with a brain or spinal cord injury
  • Spine surgery

Inpatient Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Inpatient services are available in dedicated rehabilitation units. Therapists typically start seeing patients within hours of surgery or admission. For inpatient rehabilitation services, our West Michigan team partners with Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation and Chelsea Hospital partners with University of Michigan Health.

Inpatient rehabilitation involves around-the-clock care. We provide pain management services and several hours of therapy every day. You learn how to start moving and taking care of yourself.

As your discharge date approaches, we work with you and your loved ones to ensure a smooth transition home. We provide you with a home exercise plan and coordinate the next steps of care. Learn more about Inpatient Rehabilitation.

Outpatient Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Many patients get the help they need through outpatient Orthopedic rehab and avoid an inpatient stay. If you’ve recently graduated from inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient services may be the next step in your recovery.

Outpatient ortho rehab may involve:

  • Exercises that optimize how far you can move your limbs (range of motion)
  • Fall prevention education
  • Physical therapy to help you build strength and endurance
  • Practicing new techniques for performing daily living skills
  • Walking with the assistance of a cane or walker

Learn more about outpatient rehabilitation services.

Sports Rehabilitation

We deliver comprehensive sports injury care and have experience treating athletes at every level of play. Most patients get better with physical therapy. When surgery is necessary, we often use minimally invasive techniques that involve small incisions and help you recover quickly.

Patients typically achieve their recovery goals with the help of outpatient physical therapy. If more intensive sports rehabilitation is necessary, we are here for you with advanced therapies. Offerings also include training services that optimize athletic performance and lower re-injury risk. Get more information about how we treat sports injuries.

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