Our Care Sites
Serving Southeast Michigan
Serving West Michigan
Physical therapy services
Athletic development services


Employees of The Farm at Trinity Health stand in front of a wooden background

Your support helps us grow a healthy community by expanding our ability to provide services to more people, regardless of economic resources.

Gifts of any size make a difference. Here is an idea of what your contribution can accomplish:

  • $30 buys a family in need one week of the Farm Share
  • $120 buys a family in need 4 weeks of the Farm Share
  • $150 covers the cost of busing students to the Farm for a field trip
  • $250 buys tools for our new farm at St Joe’s Oakland
  • $1,000 feeds a family for 36 weeks
farm donate

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Ann Arbor Oakland

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To learn more about the impact your giving can make, please contact:

Annual Reports

We are grateful to our supporters past and present. To see the impact of past gifts, please see our annual reports.