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Serving Southeast Michigan
Serving West Michigan
Physical therapy services
Athletic development services

Poor nutrition is the leading cause of illness in the United States. The Farm invests in nutrition security for all. The USDA defines nutrition security as “consistent and equitable access to healthy, safe, and affordable foods that promote optimal health and well-being.”

The Farm offers several programs that connect people to fresh, local produce, see below.

Trinity Health Farm Share Assistance Program

We believe everyone has a right to high-quality, locally grown produce. If you are struggling to afford healthy food, apply to our Healthy Food Pack program today.

Learn more and register here. 

Food Pantries

Both locations have non-perishable food pantries on site. Please reach out to thefarm@trinity-health.org (Ann Arbor) or Oaklandfarm@trinity-health.org (Oakland) for more information. 

2024-2025 Food Pantry Hours

Ypsilanti: Wednesdays 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Pontiac: Wednesdays 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.

If you are in immediate need for food, check out our Community Resource Directory by findhelp - Search and Connect to Social Care (trinity-health.org) or speak to a community advocate by calling 2-1-1.