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Heart Failure is a chronic condition, but you can do something to improve your quality of life.

What is CardioMEMs?

CardioMEMs qualifies as proactive care that allows your cardiologist to provide personalize real time treatment to prevent a heart failure episode or possibly a hospitalization.

CardioMEMS is relatively simple outpatient procedure and is covered by most major insurance plans. Performed in a hospital, a cardiologist makes a puncture in the right femoral vein to access the patient’s vascular system and ultimately position the implant in the patient’s pulmonary artery.

This small pressure sensor — placed in a branch of the pulmonary artery measures the artery pressure. The wireless, radio frequency sensor implant and pillow send your secure data to your Heart Failure team from the comfort of your home.

Patient Education Video

Who should consider CardioMEMs?

Those who have been diagnosed with either congestive heart failure or with diastolic heart failure that is impacting their daily life and who have been hospitalized with heart failure within the last 12 months.

What are the Benefits of CardioMEMS?

The data is provided to your care team in real time, improving the accuracy of telehealth management and allowing your doctor to intervene earlier. Adjusting medication or making other treatment changes, often before you experience any symptoms.