
About half of our graduates chose to continue their education in subspecialty fellowship training programs with the other half entering directly into general surgery private practice. The program provides residents with excellent training for either path. Our general surgery residents' operative experience is sufficient such that residents do not feel the need to continue training, and allows for ample exposure to subspecialty cases to prepare those who are interested in pursuing fellowship.
Recent graduates have entered fellowship programs in the following specialties:
Colorectal Fellowship, Houston, Texas
Surgical Critical Care Fellowship, Iowa City, IA
Surgical Critical Care Fellowship - Trinity Health Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Plastic Surgery Fellowship - Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan
Surgical Critical Care Fellowship - Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan
Breast Fellowship - University of Kansas, Kansas City, Kansas
Colon and Rectal Surgery - Allegheny Health Network and St. Vincent Hospital in Pennsylvania
Vascular Surgery Fellowship - Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, NY