
Internal Medicine Residency
Morning Report – 3/week – Supervised by the faculty where interesting and unique cases are presented and discussed in a warm, welcoming environment.
Teaching Rounds – Occur most week days and are led by the attending and senior resident with a focus on teaching at the bedside.
Grand Rounds – Weekly
Mortality chart review – monthly – Informal M&M in which residents present patients from the teaching services with emphasis on patient management and diagnosis.
Morbidity & Mortality – monthly – Formal M&M presented by senior level residents at Grand Rounds.
Continuity clinic weekly lecture – There is a weekly short lecture and group discussion in clinic. This is led by residents and supervised by clinic attending physicians. The topics include clinical topics from ACP - In the Clinic, along with telemedicine, documentation, billing and practice management topics.
Core curriculum lectures – weekly – The core curriculum lectures occur Friday from 12:00pm–2:00 pm. The lectures include core internal medicine faculty presenting general internal medicine topics. Community subspecialists also present lectures from their field. This mix of lectures is to prepare our residents for board certification in internal medicine.
Journal club – monthly – Upper level residents select and present peer-reviewed journal articles that are reviewed critically by house staff.
Intern skills lab – these are held during lecture times in July and August with a focus on basic procedures including IV, phlebotomy, I&D, etc.
Senior resident skills labs occur twice a year. This 2 to 3 hour session gives residents the opportunity to hone procedure skills.
ICU skills lab is completed the first day of any ICU rotation, skills reviewed include: central line, intubation, aseptic technique, etc.
Mock Codes – occur during every inpatient block.
Other skills learned include sepsis management, transition in care management.
Manageable and Realistic Resident Research Opportunities: Our program has the support of a faculty researcher. We especially encourage and support clinical research that will have a focus on projects in the field of quality and safety.
Interns will be required to submit at least one poster presentation and Residents will complete a quality improvement project during their residency.

Ready to apply?
All applications are accepted through ERAS. Please see the Applicants section of your preferred program for additional details.
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