Sister Simone Courtade Grant Program

The Sister Simone Courtade Grant Program was created by the Sisters of Mercy to support, strengthen and sustain our organizational Mission in the community. The specific intent of the fund is to help poor and underserved residents achieve a better quality of life by improving their health and overall well-being through investment in community programs that address community health needs.
Like all such programs, the demand for these funds exceeds availability. For this reason, we have developed specific guidelines for funding that are intended to ensure that each request is judged fairly and that all applicants adhere to the traditional mission and spiritual intent of the program. This process is to be an inclusive process with opportunity for submission open to all nonprofit community entities.
This program primarily serves West Michigan and its surrounding communities.
There are two tiers for awarded grants:
Tier I over $3,000 up to $10,000; and Tier II less than or equal to $3,000.
All applicants are required to submit a Letter of Intent on the form provided to be considered for funding.
Deadline for Letters of Intent is March 1st by 5:00 P.M.
Budget Template, Grant Application and Timeline:
- Sister Simone Budget Template (Excel, 16KB)
- Sister Simone Courtade Application 2019-2020 (PDF, 442KB)
- Sister Simone Timeline (PDF, 458KB)
To submit an application and/or to learn more information, please contact:
Helen Sherman
Office Coordinator
Trinity Health Project – a Community Benefit Ministry of Trinity Health Michigan
Phone: 231-672-3209