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If one of your health goals is to lose weight in the new year, but you have no idea where to start, you’ve come the to the right place. Our three-part series, Weight Loss 101, will help you understand the complicated weight loss world so that you can make a better, more informed decision of which path to choose.

Maybe you don’t qualify for bariatric surgery, or maybe you just aren’t ready to make the commitment and want to try another path. Maybe you need help with your diet because you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes. Or maybe you are looking for help to maintain your weight. You’ve come to the right place, because we have all of those options, too.

Trinity Health Michigan’s Nutrition Counseling and Weight Management programs can be found throughout the state. Each area has a unique offering, all committed to helping you succeed with your health and weight goals.

Below are the questions and answers that patients commonly ask about our Medical Weight Management, HMR and Nutrition Counseling programs.

What are my non-surgical options at Trinity Health Michigan?

There are many! We offer a variety of weight management services including HMR, Medical Weight Management, Health Families and Lifestyle Medicine. We also have one on one appointments with our Dietitians through our Nutrition Counseling program.

I want to lose more than 50 pounds; can you help with that?

Yes! Patients come to use with a variety of health goals. If you are looking to lose a little, a lot or just maintain - we can help. It best to talk to our one of offices to determine which path would be best for whether that is by health goal or geography. Learn more about all of the available nutrition and weight loss program options with Trinity Health Michigan.

What about those new weight loss drugs on the market, can you help with that?

Yes, some of our weight loss programs can help with prescription weight loss medications. We believe that they are best utilized under a medical weight loss program that is physician supervised.

What should I know about those new drugs?

We recently wrote a blog post about what you should know about the popular injectable weight loss drugs that are on the market.

How can a dietitian help me?

Dietitians can help with many things. They often will work with you to create a personalized plan to optimize your health and meet goals. Patients will seek advice from dietitians for weight loss and management, gut heath, cardiac health, diet planning for those with conditions such as diabetes, Chron’s or Celiac disease. Dietitians can be a great start if you don’t know where or how to start, but know you want to live a healthier lifestyle.

Are any of the non-surgical options covered by insurance?

Every program that we offer is different. Some of our services are covered by insurance and some are out of pocket. It is best to call one of our offices to learn more.

Are there support services with your non-surgical weight loss programs?

At Trinity Health Michigan, you can expect to have the support of an entire team of experts behind you. Many of our weight loss programs offers the help from dietitians, exercise physiologist, behaviorists, and more.

What if I am looking for a more natural way to lose weight?

Our Lifestyle Medicine program might be a good fit for you. Lifestyle Medicine uses evidence-based, therapeutic interventions to improve whole-health through the use of six pillars:

  1. Increasing physical activity
  2. Enjoying a plant predominant diet
  3. Developing effective strategies to manage stress
  4. Attaining restorative sleep
  5. Forming and maintaining positive relationships
  6. Avoiding risky substances

How do I get started?

Getting started is easy; learn more about our nutrition and weight management programs to find a program or location nearest you.

At Trinity Health Michigan, the path to a healthy weight is as unique as you are. We realize not everyone is looking for the same results, and not every program works for each person. That’s why we offer more choices, including nutrition counseling and weight management programs, in addition to bariatric surgery.

Experienced weight loss specialists take time to get to know you as an individual and learn about your health goals. They then tailor services to your needs and preferences, giving you the best chances for success.

Check out the other installments from this three-part series: