Grand Groups

Grand Girlfriends™ and Grand Guys™ were created to bring women and men together to support programs and services that improve the health and enhance the lives of people served by Trinity Health.
With a one-time $1,000 commitment, members of Grand Girlfriends™ and Grand Guys™ create an endowment and choose how to direct the interest earned on the group's pooled resources through an annual grants award process.
As a Grand Girlfriend™ or Grand Guy™, you get to be part of a collaborative, informed and empowered group that will receive invitations to special events featuring topics on the latest in health care and important happenings at Trinity Health Grand Rapids Hospital.
For more information on becoming a Grand Girlfriend™ or Grand Guy™, please contact Saint Mary's Foundation at or 616-685-1892.
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Grand Impact
In 2020, Saint Mary’s Foundation Grand Girlfriends™ awarded the following grants to programs and services at Trinity Health Grand Rapids Hospital:
- The Birth Center was awarded $18,300 to purchase and gift each newborn an embroidered Trinity Health sleep sack upon discharge from the hospital. Each year approximately 2,000 babies are born at The Birth Center. These garments will promote proper sleep safety, help prevent sudden infant death syndrome and improve the overall patient experience.
- The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) was awarded $3,130 to purchase Dr. Brown's bottle systems for infants. This grant, based on an evaluation from a speech language pathologist, will provide resources for families who may be unable to afford or have access to this specialized bottle-feeding system, which provides a more consistent flow for infants and results in a greater overall rate of milk transfer, infant intake and reduction in feeding times; thereby conserving the precious energy reserves that premature infants need to grow and mature.
In 2020, Saint Mary’s Foundation Grand Guys™ awarded the following grants to programs and services at Trinity Health Grand Rapids Hospital:
- Hauenstein 2 was awarded $4,832 to purchase Primo wedges to turn patients from side to side. Hospitalized patients are vulnerable to pressure injury for many reasons, but immobility is one of the largest factors. Frequent turning to offload pressure is the most important intervention nurses can perform to reduce this risk.
- The Endoscopy Department was awarded $4,762 to purchase a vein finder for use during endoscopy procedures. Venous access in endoscopy patients is often difficult as they are typically dehydrated due to their pre-procedure preparations.
Our Current Members
We appreciate the kindness and generosity of our donors. You can view current lists of Grand Girlfriends™ and Grand Guys™ below.