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Multiple Sleep Latency Test

A young woman sleeps peacefully in bed. The bed has white sheets and there is a green plant in the background.

Measuring a Series of Short Naps

A Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) at Trinity Health is comprised of a series of 4 or 5 short naps conducted the morning after your night time study.

We will ask you lie down and attempt to take a nap. If you can fall asleep that’s great; if you can’t, that’s ok too. Your technologist will let you know when the naps are over and you will have some free time between each nap. We will ask you not to eat or drink any caffeine or chocolate until your study is complete.

It's important to us that you are comfortable during your stay. If you need anything such as an extra blanket, assistance to the restroom or your CPAP mask is uncomfortable, please let us know. We are here to make your stay as pleasant as possible.