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“Itwas amazing to stand on a surfboard and ride a wave,” said bariatric surgery patient Mo Nasor, 40. “My wife and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary in 2021, and I was able to go surfing in Hawaii!”

Nasor was so amazed because during this past year, he has been able to go from 406 pounds to an amazing 188 pounds thanks to bariatric surgery performed by Brian Gluck, DO, in October 2020.

Obesity does run strongly on his mother’s side of the family, but Nasor admits that unhealthy lifestyle habits have also contributed to his obesity.

“Ever since I can remember, I’ve been a big kid — width-wise,” he said. “In fact, I can’t remember the last time I was 188 pounds.”

His Motivation

Two factors strongly influenced Nasor, who is a nursing assistant, to consider bariatric surgery. The first was the birth of his son, Felix.

“One of the reasons I did this was so I can play with my son in the yard and be that dad for him on a roller coaster or in a bumper car.”

The second reason hit him like a ton of bricks. “When the pandemic happened, I was taking care of seriously ill patients, and it scared the life into me. I realized I needed to make changes in my life from top to bottom.”

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My Mercy Health Physician Partners primary care provider Brent Johnson, PA–C, said I might be a good candidate for bariatric surgery, so he gave me a referral to Dr. Gluck’s office.”

Once Nasor met with Gluck in May 2020, he immediately felt at ease.

“I had met with other bariatric surgeons in the past, but I didn’t get the same feeling that I had from Dr. Gluck. I felt comfortable with him and his program, and I felt like his staff really cared. A couple of his team members have been through the bariatric process themselves and understand the commitment it involves. I got on board from day one.”

By following the pre-surgical bariatric program, Nasor lost 50 pounds and quit smoking prior to surgery.

The Straight and Narrow

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“When I started the program with Dr. Gluck after surgery, I began to eat cleaner. I no longer look at food as a reason to live but as a way to be healthy and be there for my family. My wife Amanda has lost 100 pounds from our lifestyle changes, and she has been my biggest cheerleader,” Nasor shared.

By sticking to the program and using the tools and resources Gluck provides, Nasor lost more than 213 pounds in 13 months. He has also “fallen in love” with exercising. He works out four to five days a week.

“When people ask how I find the time, I say: ‘You owe yourself 30 minutes a day to take care of your body.’”

Results He Didn’t Expect

Nasor was expecting to lose weight and modify his lifestyle. What he didn’t anticipate was the other health benefits he has experienced.

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For the first time since he can remember, Nasor can walk a couple miles at a time, and he doesn’t become winded going up stairs.

Additional benefits have made him a healthier person. “When I first started seeing Dr. Gluck, I had fatty liver disease and cirrhosis of the liver, but now they’re totally cured. I no longer have high blood pressure, and my sleep apnea is pretty much cleared up too.”

A heart patient prior to surgery, as well, Nasor said that his heart conditions have improved.

Measuring Personal Success

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Now that the honeymoon phase (the first year following surgery) is over, Nasor is vigilant about maintaining his success. “I’ve gotten great feedback from people: Some don’t recognize me, and others have asked me how I did this and how I stayed on track.”

The mental part of the program can be difficult, but Nasor wakes up each day “thinking it’s never too late to start over. Every day is a decision-making day: Do I eat out at lunch? Do I say no to that candy bar? I make conscious decisions. I’ve had to change my way of thinking, and I don’t plan to allow myself to fail.”

One of Nasor’s personal goals is to make a positive impact on his family and close friends.

“If I could save even one other life, then I will have accomplished my goal. I try to be a motivation to others.” He is happy to report that his mom and several of his friends are now looking into bariatric surgery.

Success all around.

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Mary Ann Boyer