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Reaching a healthy weight provides major health benefits regardless of your age. But when you are able to reverse course in your 20s, you have a lifetime in which to reap the benefits. Just ask 23-year-old Mark Cubitt from White Cloud.

“I was overweight from the time I was eight years old,” Mark recalled. “I was never an athlete. I couldn’t play sports because of my weight.”

Mark said the wake-up call came in 2021.

“I got on the scale and tipped 435 pounds. I knew then I had to make a choice about how I was going to turn my life around.”

Both of Mark’s parents were unsuccessful in keeping their weight off following bariatric surgery. So, Mark looked for a different solution and found Trinity Health Grand Haven Bariatrics and Weight Management. He had surgery in June of 2021, and has lost 191 pounds thus far.

“The reason surgery worked for me is the support system,” Mark shared. “The doctor helped me believe I could do it. I could call the team at any time for support, and I did. “

His transformation is nothing short of amazing.

“I participated in a 5K for the first time in my life just a few weeks after surgery,” he said. “Before my surgery, I couldn’t work. Now I can stand up eight hours per day and work all week, no problem. My high blood pressure is gone. I can walk the beach and ride a bike. I only have 20 pounds left to lose. Now I’ve got my heart set on travel. I want to hike the Grand Canyon, and I want to go skydiving.”

Mark has made a lot of life changes, including the way he eats.

“I eat by myself, not with my family, because I want to maintain what I’ve accomplished,’ he said. “I also don’t go out to each much, because healthy food is expensive!”

After his surgery, Mark started a garden and began keeping some farm animals.

“We have 48 chickens, four ducks, and a turkey. I started raising chickens for eggs, and once I could take care of them, the flock just grew. I’m going to start donating the extra eggs to our local food pantry to help other people eat better.”

Mark has no regrets about his choice to have bariatric surgery.

“I am 23 years old. I will benefit from this surgery for the rest of my life.” He also encourages others to consider bariatric surgery.

“Don’t doubt. Go with your gut. This surgery and the support at Trinity Health will change your life. “

Learn more about bariatric surgery at Trinity Health and find a bariatric surgeon near you.