Day 2 – Big Rapids to Grand Ledge
This is the long day. While the Wish-A-Mile is called the WAM 300 for the 300 miles we ride over the three days, we do not ride 100 miles per day. The first day we ride 99 miles, the second day we ride 107 miles and then we end with 95 miles tomorrow. Actually, doing the math, we ride a total of 301 miles. Guess it wouldn’t be as cool to call it the WAM 301…
We followed the same routine as our first day with a 5:30am breakfast and wheels on the road by 6:20am. It was a very cold morning so many of us wore jackets or used arm warmers to cut the chill. But it was a beautiful morning with a spectacular sunrise. In fact, we had sun all day and the temperatures and winds were favorable. It was simply a perfect day to be on a bike.
We cruised quickly for the first 45 miles and landed in Greenville for lunch at 9:30am. Yep, I said lunch. By the time we got to Greenville we were starving! But waiting for us at our lunch stop was much more than food. There were some of the most amazing wish kids coming to the see and celebrate with the riders. We met Bry, Mariah, Dorlan and heard all about their awesome wishes. What was going to be a 15-minute lunch stop ended up being over an hour as we enjoyed talking to the children.
The second half of the ride after lunch was a bit more challenging. I think many of us were still tired from the first day. Whatever the case, we rest tonight knowing the best day is tomorrow…shorter and downhill!
The night wrapped up with the WAMmy Awards. As riders fill the auditorium, the night is filled with wish kids and celebration. And, for the very first year, Team Joe’s won the top fundraising award for Top sports teams and many of us won Elite fundraiser awards. That was very special and I could not be more proud of this team. The dollars we raised – more grant 28 wishes!!
After the awards, we all headed back to our hotels so we can get some rest and prepare our bodies for the last day. That is where I am heading now!! Good night.