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Dr. Patricia Paz-Arabo is the Chair of Emergency Medicine at Trinity Health Livonia. She recently participated in a Q&A first published in Friday Musings that discussed common injuries treated in the Emergency Department during the summer, heat-related illnesses, and patients continuing to defer care.

Q: What have you been seeing in the Emergency Department recently?

Dr. Paz: Now that the warm weather is here, we are seeing a lot less respiratory problems and more orthopedic injuries. Most people are spending time outside right now, and that is leading to a higher risk of injury. Whether you are playing sports, going for a run, or simply walking the dog — I encourage everyone to be aware of your surroundings and to wear protective equipment, if needed.

Q: What are some of the common injuries you have been treating lately? And what are some things you anticipate seeing this summer?

Dr. Paz: We are treating a fair number of sprains, broken bones and other common injuries that happen while playing sports. The things we expect to see more of during the summer include heat-related illnesses, major traumatic cases such as motorcycle and other motor vehicle accidents, and other traumatic cases like a dog bite or people falling off a ladder while working on their house.

Whether you are an experienced athlete or not, orthopedic injuries are often difficult to avoid, but you should still always prepare yourself as best as possible beforehand. The same goes for riding a motorcycle or doing work outside — always be sure you are protecting yourself and others as much as you can.

Q: You briefly touched on heat-related illnesses. Can you expand on that, and how do you best avoid them?

Dr. Paz: Once the temperatures reach 80 degrees and higher, we see more heat-related cases at the Emergency Department. If you begin to feel overheated, be sure to get out of the sun and into the shade or somewhere that has air conditioning, like your house, a mall or library. The biggest key, however, is hydration.

When it comes to high temperatures, we should all especially watch out for the children and our elderly community members because they are the ones the most susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Never leave children unattended in a car and especially with the air conditioning off. It takes just minutes for a car to become dangerously hot in the summer, and these cases involving children are devastating when they occur.

Q: You recently published a column that mentioned people are putting off their health care at a high rate. Are you still seeing chronically ill patients as a result?

Dr. Paz: Yes, Trinity Health Livonia continues to treat patients with more serious issues due to delaying their routine preventative health care following the pandemic. We have seen patients develop major health concerns because they have run out of medcations and have not received new ones, and we have also seen patients suffer heart attacks and strokes because they are not seeking treatment quickly enough.

Some people are hesitant to visit a doctor or to get an annual wellness exam, but I assure it’s in your best interest to make the appoitnment. I encourage everyone to be proactive in their health so they can avoid what often times is a preventable illness.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share to the community?

Dr. Paz: If you feel something is wrong, don’t wait until your annual wellness visit. Please schedule an appointment with your primary care physician promptly. If something is bothering you that you feel may be life-threatening, call 9-1-1 and get to the Emergency Department quickly because every second matters in those situations.

Some situations you should never wait on include heart attack symptoms including chest pain, arm pain, jaw pain or neck pain, loss of consciousness, severe abdominal pain, broken bones, severe burns, weakness or sudden difficulty walking, balance or speech problems, and severe head, neck or back injury, just to name a handful.

Our nurses, providers and care team are here for you 24/7, located at 36475 Five Mile Road. We are a team-focused, patient-centered Emergency Department with a family-like culture. We will provide you with the best care possible, for you and your loved ones.