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(L to R) Vanessa and Alison

Vanessa Revelli, 48, knew she needed a little bit of help for herself and for her family. She was having a difficult time with her health and with paying her food bills. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help; Vanessa has courage.

“I had qualified for food stamps but hadn’t received them, yet,” said Vanessa. “The Farm at Trinity Health took care of all my produce needs. My benefits coordinator connected me with The Farm at Trinity Health Ann Arbor.”

Vanessa had been very worried about being able to feed her family. She had recently been placed on disability while she was in liver failure and was waiting for a replacement liver. She needed assistance, and The Farm was there for her.

“One aspect of The Farm Share is the Farm Share Assistance Program,” said Alison Shores, food program coordinator for The Farm at Trinity Health Ann Arbor. “This program is designed to help people with limited access to healthy food get some of the freshest local produce around at little to no cost to them. Our biggest avenue to empower community members is through our Farm Share program. Vanessa enrolled into our program and joined us weekly to pick up her produce.”

“We build relationships with everyone who visits us,” said Alison. “We know that one of the hidden impacts of food insecurity can be social isolation, and so we take the time to really get to know all our members.”

Alison and the compassionate team at The Farm checked on Vanessa weekly and asked for health updates. They celebrated Vanessa’s highs and helped her get through her lows. Some days were really low for Vanessa. “There were some days on the farm when I couldn’t stand any more, and I had to leave, I was so sick,” said Vanessa.

Other days, Vanessa enjoyed The Farm for its beauty and tranquility. Sometimes Vanessa would walk off to find a serene place on the grounds to meditate and reflect. “There are places to walk on the property that are beautiful,” she said. “I like to watch the birds. One day a blue dragonfly sat with me and kept coming back. That felt like a sign, like I was in the right place.”

The Farm provides more than food; it offers a sense of community and education. Vanessa was able to learn about healthy eating, cooking, and food storage. Each box of produce comes with recipes and instructions. Vanessa was even able to learn about supporting her liver through different foods.

“We truly care about every member of our program,” said Alison. “I take pride in knowing most everyone's name and a bit of their story. This program is more than just providing folks with nutrition. We're building community by joining people on their path to better health. We have a community health worker on staff who assists anyone who needs additional support.”

Vanessa happily describes the staff as her “Farm Family.” “They gave me a sense of purpose,” said Vanessa. “It’s really a special place. It has provided a lot — not just food.”

It has been nearly a year since Vanessa’s first day on The Farm. She’s much healthier now — no longer on the liver transplant list. In fact, she recently started taking classes to earn a social work degree, and she’s a volunteer at The Farm.

“My life is good,” said Vanessa. “My life is really good! You don’t have to be embarrassed if you need help to feed your family. There is no shame at The Farm. This is a place of love and nurturing.”

The Farm at Trinity Health Ann Arbor grows a healthy community by empowering people through food, education, and relationships. The Farm Share works with more than 20 local farms to provide fresh produce boxes 36 weeks out of the year.

If you would like to learn more about the Farm Share program or how you can volunteer, please visit The Farm at Trinity Health.

Beverly Moody

Public Relations Specialist