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Ever wondered about your heart health? We all know how important it is to keep our ticker in top shape, but sometimes, knowing where to start can be a bit overwhelming. That’s why we’ve put together this easy quiz to help you assess your risk factors for heart disease. Whether you’re a fitness fanatic or a couch potato, a kale lover or a fast-food junkie, this quiz can help give you some insights into your heart health. So grab a pen and paper, and let's get started!

1. What is your age?

a) 25 - 35 (1 point)

b) 35 - 50 (2 points)

c) 50 or older (3 points)

2. Do you smoke?

a) Never (1 point)

b) I have quit smoking (2 points)

c) Yes (3 points)

3. How often do you exercise?

a) I exercise consistently (1 points)

b) I do some physical activity (2 points)

c) Never (3 point)

4. How much sodium do you consume every day?

a) Less than 1,500 mg (1 point)

b) Not sure (2 points)

c) Over 1,500 mg (3 points)

5. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables?

a) With every meal (1 point)

b) Occasionally (2 points)

c) Rarely (3 points)

6. Do you have high blood pressure?

a) No (1 point)

b) Not sure (2 points)

c) Yes (3 points)

7. Do you have diabetes?

a) No (1 point)

b) Not sure (2 points)

c) Yes (3 points)

8. Do you have high cholesterol?

a) No (1 point)

b) Not sure (2 points)

c) Yes (3 points)

9. Do you have a family history of heart disease?

a) No (1 point)

b) Not sure (2 points)

c) Yes (3 points)

Your Score:

  • Less than 11 points - Low Risk: You’re doing a great job maintaining a heart healthy lifestyle. Keep up the good work!
  • Between 12 and 22 points - Moderate Risk: You may have some risk for heart disease. Ask your doctor about screenings for conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes, which can increase your risk for heart disease.
  • Over 22 points - High Risk: While some risk factors are uncontrollable, like our age and family history, things like eating a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and quitting smoking can help reduce the risk for heart disease. Talk with your doctor about your risk factors and how they can help you get on track for a healthy heart.

Next Steps:

Our team of heart and vascular experts are dedicated to improving your well-being and supporting you in leading a healthier life. Learn more about our available cardiovascular services or schedule an appointment with one of our specialists today.

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