Trinity Health Sleep Center - Grand Haven
Hours vary based on sleep studies: Open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. Day studies as needed. Home studies are set up during the day.
The Sleep Center at Trinity Health Grand Haven can help diagnose and treat sleep-related problems. Accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, our Center is staffed with Board Certified Sleep Physicians and a staff of experienced professionals using the latest technology and techniques.
We offer sleep studies at the hospital or sleep apnea tests that can be performed in the comfort of your home.
If you require a sleep study at the hospital, you will come to the Sleep Center at Trinity Health Grand Haven where we will monitor your sleep in a controlled environment to analyze your sleep patterns. Private rooms and home-like accommodations provide a comfortable setting for our patients.
If a Home Sleep Apnea Test is ordered, you will be scheduled for a 30-minute appointment where we will instruct you how to set the equipment up in a simple step-by-step process. You will also be provided written instructions and pictures to assist you. The instructions also include our Sleep Center phone number in case you have issues or questions. Once you have completed your test, you will bring it back to the Sleep Center the next day or at a date prearranged.
Determining which type of study is best for you takes into consideration your sleep provider’s recommendation, your medical history, and insurance requirements. Following the physician’s interpretation of your study, a staff member from the Sleep Center will contact you with the results and the physician’s recommendations. A copy of this report will be sent to your Primary Care Physician.
If you have questions or would like to contact us, please call 616-847-5389
Please fax sleep consultation requests to: 616-296-1642
New Patient History Form (336 KB pdf)