Our Care Sites
Serving Southeast Michigan
Serving West Michigan
Physical therapy services
Athletic development services


Doctors talking in hallway

In this section, providers and referring providers of Trinity Health Oakland can find tools to assist in providing care.

Hospital-Specific Bylaws and Policies/Procedures

You can view specific policies for all Trinity Health Michigan hospitals by visiting the Trinity Health corporate site.

View Policies


Medical Staff Key Contacts

Title Email
Medical Staff Office PO-MedStaffServices@trinity-health.org
Physician Liaison Sandy.Hebert@trinity-health.org

Our Leadership

Title Name Email
Chief Medical Officer Fabian Fregoli, MD Fabian.Fregoli@trinity-health.org
Chief of Staff Malik McKany, MD Malik.McKany@trinity-health.org
Chief of Staff Elect Arezo Amirikia, MD Arezo.Amirikia@trinity-health.org